The Unshackled Queen Knows...

The difference between Entitlement vs Desire 

Whereas the people pleaser who doesn't know the difference feels she is owed something. She expects the masculine to understand her every need without her needing to express. She can have emotional outbursts when the masculine "lets her down" as she is not getting what she wants. She is in it to be rescued, and when she isn't, she believes she deserves something better. She can treat the masculine with little or no respect. 

In short, this is the innocent people pleaser coming at her relationships from the opposite end of the shadow pole—Entitlement—with expectations of what she is owed, deserves, and can get from the masculine.

People Pleasing in Relationships

People pleasing in relationships often stems from a deep-seated desire to be loved and accepted, but it can also lead to unhealthy Relationship Dynamics. When a person feels the need to constantly please their partner, they may suppress their own desires and needs, creating a power imbalance. 

The Unshackled Queen, however, understands the difference between Entitlement vs Desire and knows how to communicate her needs effectively without falling into the trap of people pleasing. This awareness allows her to create a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding rather than obligation and resentment.

And that’s okay...(I have been here too) It’s all learning... Making distinctions between one way of being and another... So that LOVE can be sent to the little girl that needs to be seen and heard.

The Pitfalls of an Entitled Attitude

The Unshackled Queen knows that none of these behaviors will actually create what she wants. She knows that having an entitled attitude will shut down her heart, demasculate the masculine, and repel him, leaving him feeling controlled and unappreciated, as if his balls have been chopped off. In short, he is not able to bring his BEST self to the table. 

An entitled attitude in relationships can be detrimental to both partners. It manifests as an expectation that the other person should automatically fulfill every need without clear communication. This attitude can cause friction, leading to disappointment and emotional outbursts when expectations are not met. The Unshackled Queen recognizes that this mindset not only harms her partner but also diminishes her own ability to express true desires. By shifting away from entitlement, she opens the door to healthier, more fulfilling interactions.

Navigating Masculine Dynamics with Grace

She knows that she is owed nothing. Making agreements with the masculine is how to create win-wins to have her desires met. She is in the relationship because she desires to be, because she feels cared for and protected. She has to express her desires to the masculine so he understands what she wants and doesn’t have to guess. The masculine no says nothing about her but more about his healthy boundaries that she respects. When she appreciates the masculine, she will create more of what she desires.

Masculine dynamics in relationships often involve a balance of strength, protection, and leadership. The Unshackled Queen understands that these qualities should be respected and appreciated, not undermined by unrealistic expectations or controlling behavior. By fostering a partnership where both the masculine and feminine energies are honored, she creates a space where both can thrive.

Embracing Your Role as the Unshackled Queen

When the masculine is seen, respected, and appreciated, he is able to bring his BEST self to the table, and both create more of what they desire. Becoming the Unshackled Queen means embracing your power and understanding that you are owed nothing in a relationship. 

If you are ready to meet your Unshackled Queen, click on the link below and book your Unshackled Illumination call.


Is Moving Beyond People Pleasing Worth It?


10 Things That The Unshackled Queen Knows