Unshackled Expression Circle
The 6 week Sacred Container to alchemize your supression of expression people pleasing chain into your unique feminine expression.
"You are your best thing.” Rumi
Your unshackled feminine expression is everything.
It is what determines what you create, how you create and the type of loving relationship you attract in the process.
What you may not know IS that your suppression of expression people pleasing chain, will not only protect and hide your heart, it will also strengthen your shame and keep the loving union you want with yourself and the masculine from being actualized.
You see, the masculine falls in LOVE with the beating heart of the feminine. But if your heart is being protected by your suppression of expression, to avoid being abandoned, then you won't be able to embody your loving role. Instead, you will attract men who match your withholding to create the toxicity and rejection you innocently want to avoid.
But there is a way, a path, to break free from this specific people pleasing chain and that is by being part of this extraordinary circle.
If you are a woman who…
🌹Still express your people pleasing in the world.
🌹Has experienced toxic narcissistic dynamics in the past.
🌹Is confused and fed up of attracting unavailable men.
🌹Desires to be in a loving relationship.
🌹Doesn't feel seen or heard or adored in relationship.
🌹Doesn't seem to get back what you put into your relationships.
🌹Struggles with expressing what you need or want or appreciate, or standing up for yourself.
🌹Is done with losing yourself in relationships, while abandoning yourself in the process.
Chances are that you are not living into your full unshackled feminine self and are still being held hostage by your suppression of expression people pleasing chain.
When a woman is living into her full sovereign loving expression, she no longer chases, overgives, withholds, gets needy, or represses her expression as she knows that she will never be abandoned as she will never abandon herself. Instead, she shares her desires, truth, boundaries, appreciation and vulnerability without effort as she knows that her freedom of expression is a gift to the world. As she respects, appreciates and loves herself, her energetic unshackled expression can only but attract kings, men who adore and cherish her.
And that is what I want for you, which is why I designed The Unshackled Expression Circle.

By the end of the 6 weeks you will have started to express parts of yourself that were too unsafe to do so in the past, which will start the unshackling process of your suppression of expression people pleasing chain by
♥️Discovering at least 1 heartfelt Desire and sharing that with the group or a significant other to create what your heart longs for.
♥️Expressing a truth(s) you have been wanting to for as long as you can remember, to create deep shifts within your feminine system and with those around you.
♥️Having clarity about where you say yes, when you mean no and expressing your loving NO in a sovereign way. This is so you can see that you have your own back and that you can meet your own needs and no longer need to fear that you will get it wrong.
♥️Sharing your appreciation in a heartfelt and authentic way, to see how powerful this one is for yourself and whomever you are expressing it too.
♥️Meeting the different feminine archetypes of the Queen, Oracle, Wild Woman and Lover that represent each of these different types of feminine expression.
My discovery has been that the antidote to unshackling yourself from the suppression of expression chain IS indeed the expression of your heart and the sharing of it.
6 women for 6 weeks.
Wednesday 20th Sept @11am UK time
Intention setting, connection and sharing session
Wednesday 27th Sept @11am UK time
Discovering and Honoring your desires: Meeting your Queen
Wednesday 4th Sept @11am UK time
The Art of Truth Telling: Meeting Your Oracle
Wednesday 11th Oct @11am UK time
Sacred Boundaries: Meeting Your Wild Woman
Wednesday 18th Oct @11am UK time
Falling In LOVE with Appreciation: Meeting Your Lover
Wednesday 25h Oct @11am UK Time
Closing circle: sharing your LOVE story
A 121 session on a weekly basis with your unshackled LOVE guide, me Marina, to give you the extra loving support you may need as you journey to heal your abandonment wound.
WhatsApp Group so that you are supported in the moment by the circle, if anything shows up.
This all for 197gbp.
Love notes from clients…
(AKA Milagrosa, Opulent Concha Queen Priestess of Truth, Love & Desire.)
And you are not on your own, as I have been there too.
I certainly could not understand why an intelligent, funny, wise, loving,successful and independent woman like me was not able to be vulnerable and…
♥️Speak her truth to create the depth of connection that she craved in her relationships.
♥️Share her boundaries out of fear that she would be rejected and left.
♥️Ask for her desires to be met so she could be loved in the way she deserved.
♥️Communicate in a loving and open hearted way, instead It would come out aggressively, or not at all.
Until I reached a point that living with this illusory safety became too painful and it was time to challenge the false reality that I had created for myself.
I had to make myself the priority, regardless of what others thought, breathe and do THE thing - take the courageous step to explore the relationship I had with vulnerability and rejection in a safe container that was full of LOVE.
I don't know about you my love, but I realized that not speaking my truth and gagging myself was costing me in all the ways and maybe you have been finding this too.
😢Costing me emotionally. I felt resentful towards those that had hurt me and I didnt express it. This energy kept my heart closed and guarded, pushing away the connected loving relationships I yearned for, while keeping them superficial and "Safe". You may experience a feeling of ¨not enoughness¨or shame from attracting relationships that were good for you.
😢Costing me physically. For me, the gagging of my true vulnerable feminine expression CAME in the form of fatigue and anemia. You may have found that it has shown up in your skin or as a disrupted digestive system. When we don't express, speak up and abandon ourselves, our body keeps score.
😢Costing me financially. Not charging enough or creating crazy payment plans. Or saying yes to lending money to people that couldn't be trusted. For you It may have manifested itself as a financial cap at work.
😢Costing me spiritually. I was so disconnected from who I really was, from my soul, Spirit, Life because I was letting my fear of expression block my connection. In doing so, expressing my truth felt too dangerous as I couldn't trust or had the faith that I would be okay if I did. You may experience the same, and have a sense that you have disconnected from Life and the abundance you can receive from it.
And yet as I unshackled my people pleaser chains by alchemizing the relationship I had with vulnerable expression and conflict, I realized that the very precious heart that I had worked so hard to protect, was the very thing that would bring me everything that I desired unprotected.
💃Intimacy: As I took the steps to share my loving límits and fears with the masculine (home life and at work) rather than pushing him away, it brought us closer together as it deepened our understanding for one another. As I trained him how to treat me, I realized that I could be met in all the ways I had always dreamt of.
💃Confidence: By sharing more often, I learnt that I got better at expressing my truth without nagging or criticizing in a crazy attempt to control (which of course never worked 🤣). Instead, the more I expressed, the better I have become at expressing my truth from a place of LOVE and heart, which has kept conflict at bay and created a safe environment for all involved to express their own vulnerability.
💃Support: When I discovered that my feminine role was to go first, illuminate and open my heart so that the masculine can feel it, I shifted from the waiting energy out of fear of being hurt, into sharing how beautiful actions made me feel. In doing so, my loving Queen was and is rewarded by his support and protection.
💃Emotional Health: As I shared what I needed with those around me, I no longer held onto the resentment, which would come out as a closed defensiveness " I am fine " or an angry reactive response…which was repelling. Instead It made space for me to feel my own LOVE and vibrant energy and express from there.
💃Physical Health: I went from feeling burnt out to having all this extra energy that I now use to fuel my rich sex life, which supports my immune system and reduces my stress and anxiety (when It shows up now and again).
💃Freedom: When I started to prioritize my need for expression over how the other would react, this was truly freeing. I now feel safe enough to express without the worry of what others think both in my work, family and my partner, as I know that if it's in my system, it's a signal for expression.

When I was reflecting on how BEST to serve my heartfelt medicine, I knew that my most potent work with women over the past 15 years had always come in the form of intimate containers.
There are 4 ways in which the suppression of expression people pleasing chain protects the feminine heart that stops her from being all of her true unshackled loving self. Each week will be dedicated to each of these ways, with the first and last week being devoted to the intention setting and meeting and closure of the circle.
I want you to feel held, safe and loved as much as possible as you begin your journey in the unshackling process and I couldn't think of a better way to do that by adding an extra 121 element.
I know that life can get in the way, and like with everything, you will get out what you put in. If you commit 100%, you will get 100% value. Nevertheless, if you cannot make one, there will be a replay that you can watch.
Each circle is 90 minutes long. And the 121 session is 1 hour. So all in all you will need to commit to 2.5 hours a week.
When I have shown up for myself and made myself the priority (regardless of whether I felt deserving or not) and taken a moment to put my self-abandon on pause, it has ALWAYS brought me one step closer to what my heart truly desired.
You: This sort of life changing unshackling and expansion will require you to be invested in all the ways: mentally, spiritually, physically and financially.
Time: 6 weeks
Price: 197 gbp
A few more love notes from clients…