The Power of Dreams and Messages: A Journey Through Dream Interpretation

embracing spiritual freedom and connection to Spirit through dream messages

I used to be a bit of a skeptic about dream interpretation

Yet, over the past year, I decided to be open to my NS (Night Self) to show me the way at night.

Trusting Spiritual Dreams for Guidance

Thanks to the guidance of Lian Brook-Tyler, I’ve embraced the concept of spiritual dreams and how they can provide clarity in our waking lives. For the most part, I ask my NS a question before I go to sleep and let her get to work.

Last night I spent most of my night dreaming about skiing. It was such a beautiful experience. I felt my whole body vibing and vibrant.

Skiing Dreams and the Connection to Spirit

What was even more magical about this particular dream was the deeper meaning it carried. I had asked my NS to guide me in discovering the best way to magnetize the women most aligned with my work—women who are ready to heal their abandonment wounds and release their people-pleasing identities.

In response, I found myself transported to the mountains. For me, being in the mountains—feeling the snow and the sun on my skin—is like Heaven on Earth. It’s where I feel closest to Spirit. I realized that my skiing dreams symbolized freedom and alignment with my purpose. They weren’t just dreams; they were guiding me toward how I can help others heal.

Abandonment Wound Healing Through Dream Interpretation

As I reflected on my dream, it became clear that Spirit was encouraging me to trust the process, not only for myself but for the women I’m meant to serve. By working through our abandonment wound healing journeys, we unlock our full potential. These wounds, often tied to the people-pleasing identity, can be shackles that hold us back. Dream interpretation provides a pathway to connect with the deeper parts of ourselves and begin the healing process.

This insight gave me the confidence to take action. I wasn’t planning on skiing this year due to financial caution, but this dream was a direct message from Spirit, urging me to follow the joy that skiing brings me. Instead of feeling guilt or financial hesitation, all I felt was a profound sense of "yes."

Embracing Spirit's Guidance

Without the usual heaviness or guilt, I trusted the push from Spirit and booked a five-day ski trip to Andorra with Leo for December. It feels incredible to live so connected to Spirit, fully trusting that I am supported and guided in all the ways that matter.

It feels so good to live so connected to Spirit, knowing that I am totally and utterly cared for and supported in all the ways.


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