Why Toxic Relationships Create Freedom


Reflecting on Toxic Relationships

Have you ever been in a toxic relationship?

And had you ever considered that they can create freedom?

I know I have.

And, on contemplating this, I realized this morning how much of a blessing each one was for me.
Now, I know this can sound like I am some sort of doormat or that it's just another people-pleasing way of thinking, and yet...

While counterintuitive, this way of seeing these experiences has been liberating.

Lessons from Toxic Relationships

Each relationship was a lesson. Each one showed me:

  • How to LOVE myself more by setting loving limits.

  • Where my people pleaser and codependent behaviors were still playing out.

  • The barriers I was still using to push LOVE away.

  • What the next step was for my personal growth.

  • How to refine what I actually wanted in a relationship.

  • What was in alignment for me and what wasn’t.

  • How to unshackle the chains binding my heart and open it to LOVE.

Why Freedom Comes from Toxic Relationships

The paradox of finding freedom in toxic relationships is something many may struggle to understand. But each painful experience offers an opportunity to grow, set boundaries, and get closer to your authentic self.

I am not condoning abusive or violent behavior, as it's NOT okay on any level.

And on some level, I used to think it was, as I would justify their dishonoring ways of being with me and wouldn’t express how I wished to be treated. Instead, I stayed silent.

The Fear of Expression and Leaving

It felt too unsafe to express my needs, and even more terrifying to leave when I knew the relationship wasn’t right.

Nevertheless, with each relationship, I was taught to refine my loving limits and move into alignment with what I wanted—and didn’t want—in my life. This process of unshackling my people-pleasing tendencies and breaking free from codependency allowed me to create the freedom I needed to grow.

Breaking Free from Codependency

As the journey continued, I saw that as I unshackled my people-pleasing ways (and my heart), it liberated me from the chains of conditioning that had held me hostage for so long. I found myself moving closer to creating the type of deep, loving, and intimate relationship I had yearned for—a relationship only fit for a Queen.

By breaking free from these emotional chains, I learned to value myself and set boundaries that aligned with my true desires. The journey of healing from toxic relationships is not about the other person; it's about reclaiming your own power.

Setting Boundaries and Embracing Freedom

The beauty of leaving behind toxic relationships lies in discovering your own strength. When you begin to set healthy boundaries, you stop accepting less than you deserve. You start honoring yourself, which opens the door to more authentic, loving connections.

Today, while I know my journey hasn't ended, I also know that when you know what you want and honor it, life delivers every time. Each relationship, no matter how painful, brought me one step closer to finding emotional freedom and genuine love.

Moving Forward: Honor Yourself, Find Freedom

In every moment, you have the power to honor yourself and choose freedom. Toxic relationships may have created wounds, but they also carry the lessons that allow you to break free from emotional chains and step into a life that aligns with your highest self.

So today, I invite you to reflect on your own journey, set loving limits, and know that true freedom is just on the other side of healing.


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