You don’t need to fit in to be loved


Why would you ever want to fit in?

Even the words FIT IN, is constricting.

Like wanting your foot to fit in a shoe thats too tight

But a pleaser does want to fit in, it's our MO.

If we don't fit in, we feel rejected, ostracized, weird, not enough...

There are many things that I have done in my Life to fit in, to be part of the clan....

🤦Bought clothes that everyone was wearing because they were trendy, so I could fit in.

🤭Not said something because I would have rocked the boat, so i could fit in.

😈Bitched someone out in a group of people, so I could fit in.

😐Partied hard with a certain crowd to fit in.

😲Pretend to be poor to reject a certain group of people and to fit in with another.

🐟Drink alcohol so as to fit in.

It was exhausting....

And luckily over time, I have left these ways of being behind...

Except, the alcohol...

(Not that i was drinking much anyway..a glass here and there)

Until a few months back when I heard soul speak

"You drink to fit in.."😱

This insight really stopped me in my tracks....

I hadnt realized this...

And of course It makes sense...

I live in a culture where drinking is totally normalized...

And yet now It doesn't make sense....

Why would I want to fit in?

Why would I want to repress parts of me and pretend to be someone I am not?

I am not supposed to.

Non of US are.

Each of us has our unique


❤️ Way of viewing the world


Each of US made totally different...

And you certainly cannot be in your pleasure if you are not expressing It.

We are all unique and need to be, for the whole to work.

🥳🥳🥳🥳So here is to not fitting in, to being all that we are, and owning our unique magic to living a path of Pleasure 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Do you have your own back?


There is beauty in the abandon